Whether we're addicted, close to an addict, or "the norm" (if there is one), the holidays can be extremely stressful. Thanks to social messages (movies, television, advertising, etc.), we feel the need to be perfect, even more than usual, during this so-called season of joy.We think we should cook the perfect meals, prepare the best decorations, buy the most impressive gifts, and always be the life of the party (without going overboard and making a fool of ourselves). And when a little thing doesn't go as planned, we feel like we've failed. Our shame kicks in and we feel unlovable, unwanted, a burden, and a hindrance to others' enjoyment of the season. If we become addicted to drugs, it puts the addict at risk of relapse. If we are around addicts, it puts us in a state of “restraint.” Even normal people feel stressed. Below I've listed six tips that can help us all not only survive but thrive during the holiday season.
Gratitude and happiness are linked. After studying happiness for nearly two decades, psychologist Brené Brown has identified a fundamental difference between happy and unhappy people: Happy people are grateful for what they have. What they have (or don't have) doesn't seem to matter to them; Either way, they were very grateful. Gratitude creates happiness. Stage. So if we're feeling down, a great way to cope is to write a gratitude list of 10 things. This helps us focus on the present moment and the blessings in life, rather than on what didn't go perfectly or what could go wrong in the future.
One of the best ways to overcome stress, depression, anxiety, and feelings of anxiety during the holiday season is to participate in seasonal activities with others, especially family and friends. Instead of buying gifts ourselves, we can bring our spouses or close friends. Instead of baking and decorating 12 dozen cookies ourselves, we can ask our children to help. Instead of just hanging twinkling lights, we can help our neighbors hang theirs and let them help us hang ours. Of course, all of these activities may take more time with "help" from family and friends (and the cookies may not be as beautifully decorated as we would make them ourselves), but Ultimately, Vacation is not about pace and speed perfection. They talk about love and connection.
Most recovering addicts are familiar with the acronym HALT, which stands for Hunger, Anger/Anxiety, Loneliness, and Fatigue. They know that if they have one or more of these conditions, the risk of recurrence is very high. So they eat a sandwich, talk to a friend, take a nap, or engage in another healthy activity that helps reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and isolation. This recording can also benefit non-addicts. During the holidays, it might be helpful to add a few more questions, such as: Do I keep secrets? Did I lie? If so, should I fix this? Do I have unrealistic vacation expectations? If so, what can I do to combat this? Do I have a viable plan for dealing with holiday frustrations? If not, what can I do about it? Do I expect others to behave a certain way on vacation? If so, what can I do to combat this? This recording must be done in the presence of another person: a 12-step sponsor, a friend in recovery or therapy, a family member, etc. Often when we check in, other people may respond similarly. In this way, we reveal our secrets, receive helpful feedback, and feel more connected to the person we care about.
During the holidays, most of us seem to think that our lives must be a non-stop series of parties, dinners, events, and shopping sprees. But we also have to go to work, clean the house, take care of our children (who may have to do more activities), and just live life. It's easy to get overwhelmed by this and forget to take care of yourself. Most of us find it helpful to set aside time (at least an hour) each day for rest and relaxation. Meditation, yoga, reading, watching TV (not the news!), going to the movies, napping, and leisurely walks are highly recommended. We also need to get enough sleep, eat reasonable healthy meals and exercise as usual. Taking care of ourselves in this way helps us stay calm despite the stress of the holiday season.
The holidays are not the time to cancel or skip 12-step meetings, therapy, or other forms of support. In fact, now is a good time to double down on recovery and healing by attending our regular meetings and therapy sessions, along with a few others. Remember: This is where we turn for understanding and empathetic support, and we need these more than ever during the holiday season.
We cannot control others. Of course, we want our friends and family to be happy and well-behaved, and we try our best to achieve that. But they will think, feel, and act the way they choose to think, feel, and act, and there's not much we can do about it. If grandma fed our youngest child ten of her famous chocolate espresso cookies and now we had a Tasmanian devil running around the house, we might get angry or take pictures of our crazy child. yourself and post them on Facebook. If our neighbor decorates his house like Clark Griswold in Christmas Vacation, we might worry that our decorations aren't enough or we might be glad we don't have to pay the bill. his electricity bill. Et cetera. Other people will do what they do and we have to let them do it. During the holidays, more than ever.
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